If you think hard about it, most of your problems can be traced back to relationship issues.
Even today, it seems like some of us always have to deal with unfulfilled expectations from our close relationships.
Challenging relationships tend to take up far too much of our energy and leave us feeling depleted and worse.
Why is this so hard and what can we do about it?
Is there a way or a process that we can follow to develop healthier and fulfilling relationships?
Well yes, there is.
The key to discovering a fulfilling relationship is to have a clear perspective of your own needs and those of others.
And what better way to achieve this than meditation?
By making us aware of the present moment and our expectations, meditation can help us get back in sync with our most valued relationships.
I have seen this happen so many times.
So how does it actually happen?
Meditation helps to better regulate moods.
It’s also been shown to bring about increased feelings of empathy.
Perhaps most powerfully, it’s been shown to increase levels of acceptance.
And what relationship couldn’t benefit from more of those things?
Sometimes our emotions can hijack our reactions…meditation helps us to respond rather than react.
We connect more meaningfully and authentically.
This results in fostering deep, open, generative dialogue.
When people begin to learn to meditate, within days they report a positive shift in their personal relationships.
It is truly magical how meditation when done right, helps us improve every aspect of our life including the most complicated aspect being our relationships.
So the answer is simple. START MEDITATING. Do it for people who love you.
And if you want more help in navigating challenging relationships through meditation, you should definitely check out The Meditation Blueprint.
Carolyne xx
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