I invite you to experience the magnificence and power of your own heart. It is the highest vibration of the universe – pure unconditional love – which will enable you to re-master your soul’s journey.
I invite you to experience your spiritual loving essence.…
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It has the power to heal, to unite, and to transform. When we approach the world with love in our hearts, we can conquer our fears and overcome the obstacles that we face.
Being in the energy of love is the key to creating a world that is full of positivity and possibility.
The Mastering Your Heart course will teach you to:
- Reconnect to your heart, to pure unconditional love, by learning how to enter the Sacred Space of your heart, to enable you to fully remember who you really are
- Connect with your Higher Self and establish guidance in your life and what is best for you
- Awaken to your pure purpose so that you can live your life to your realised potential
Mastering Your Heart is based on Awakening The Illuminated Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek. It is the deepest and purest spiritual wisdom that you will experience.
Carolyne Gowen is a certified teacher of Awakening The Illuminated Heart and has taught over one thousand people how to meditate.

‘I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for facilitating a most energetically beautiful and “Illuminating” workshop. I have been on a spiritual journey most of my adult life (over 30 years) and have been blessed with “connecting” with people and processes that have supported me along the way.
I found meditation being the most effective way to “still the mind” and move past negative thoughts that get in the way of ultimately connecting with my inner guides and higher self in moving on with my life.
When I attended your Awakening the Illuminated Heart 4 day workshop, I had amazing experiences of absolute stillness and calm that I after all those years of searching I had never felt before. And it came at time when I was working to heal the emotional wounds of my late husband’s untimely passing 4 years ago.
During the workshop I was able to connect with my “Sacred Space” in my heart, met with my inner guides and felt the presence of my late husband who was my Soul Mate, and my world. During that connection I found answers to many questions surrounding his untimely death, and subsequently felt an amazing sense of peace and calmness that became the beginning of the healing of the emotional trauma subsequent to his death.
I know that I have now “turned the corner” and the emotional wounds are healing. There’s wonderful feeling of lightness in my heart, and purpose in my being on this planet that gives new meaning to my life. So thank you Carolyne for guiding me beyond a time of turmoil towards a place of peace and joyfulness that is with me every day. And it keeps getting better and better!’
Helen Jones

‘It is hard to find the words to describe how truly wonderful my four days with Carolyne and our special group was during the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. I came to the workshop with very little knowledge of Drunvalo’s work apart from reading his book prior, I was blown away by his teachings and what we were able to achieve in four magical days.
I came into the workshop with a yearning to get in touch with my heart and the deepest part of my soul but I carried fear and self doubt that I would ever be able to achieve this.
Through Carolyne’s belief in all of us, her wisdom, love and beautiful heart I was transformed in ways that I could never have imagined possible. At the end of the workshop I felt invincible, light and free for the first time in my life. It is truly the most beautiful practice and I can’t wait to integrate what I have learnt and felt into my life forever more…
Carolyne, you are so special and Drunvalo’s work is so special… I will be forever grateful to you for opening your heart to share this knowledge with us during the most loving and stimulating workshop.’
Alisa Clarke

‘My friend mentioned this course to me and I thought it was just what I needed as my heart felt blocked, and everything I’d tried so far wasn’t working.I wasn’t sure exactly the impact until the day I got home after we’d gone into our hearts and multiple doors opened up through the most strangest of coincidences. That’s when I knew how powerful it was.
The coincidences and beautiful experiences have continued to occur. And every day I am conscious of staying in that heart space, to keep coming back to it, even when the world is challenging at times. And it feels like a place of calm within the storms of life. I’ve experienced a lot of wonderful things on my journey in this life, but this course has been the catalyst to open my heart more than it’s ever been before. The funny thing is that at times I get these waves of feeling in love. I don’t currently have a partner, but it’s a feeling of being in love with everything, like I’ve tapped into a source that flows through me and allows me to see the beauty in everything and everyone, and that is worth more than gold.
Thank you Carolyne for being the beautiful ray of light that you are, and opening me up to this new way of being in the world. I am forever grateful!’
Melissa Lowe

‘I took part in the 4 day Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. Surrounded by a beautiful group of people and lead by Carolyne I went into the sacred space and tiny space in my heart where I met my higher self and connected with my father (and others) who have passed away.
Feeling and hearing his voice was incredibly touching. What surprised me was the certainty of what I was feeling and seeing. I felt totally connected with myself & the universe in a way I’ve never experienced before. I find it difficult to describe, but through my experience I felt beauty, love, calmness & certainty all around me. The creation process — seeing, feeling & dreaming in my heart is also really working for me and each time I go into (& come out of) my heart I feel more and more like I’m on the right path.
The entire experience was incredible and one that will stay with me forever.’
Juliana Ardila

‘I had a great time during the Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop to be honest I can’t recommend this course enough. The workshop is just beginning of a new cycle so it s unique and there is no comparison!
I would like to thanks Carolyne. She was flawless.’
Mehmet Kizmaz

‘I must say how much I loved the course/workshop and how much I loved spending the four days with my co-students and yourself. I was so sorry to leave at the end of day four, knowing that we were not coming back another day for more sharing amongst loving friends, while exploring the most important spiritual adventure of my life.
It is within this understanding and environment that I recognise my need to be able to re-create or practice the generation of the Merkaba, similarly to my need to learn how to create my halo.
Thanks for having the courage to perform this ATIH workshop. I wish you and all your future students every success with the spiritual awakening and learning associated with these wonderful and necessary processes.’
John Royle

‘Carolyne teaches Awakening the Illuminated Heart with Joy, Love and Light. In a room filled with love, we were introduced to Awakening the Illuminated Heart over four days. It was one of the most profound experiences I have had. If you are looking for something special to feel more connected and to bring much joy to your life, then this course encompasses all this and more.
Carolyne is an amazing teacher, bringing sensitivity, compassion and spirituality. I could not have wished for a more perfect four days, that will resonate in my heart for a long time to come. Thank you Carolyne for teaching such a beautiful and special course.’
Mary -Jane Jacobsen

‘My experience at Carolyne Gowen’s ATIH workshop was a defining moment in my life and I feel truly blessed to have experienced it with this beautiful teacher and fellow students.
Throughout the workshop Carolyne made me feel completely safe and loved, I felt like I had a new mother. The students in the class were some of the most accepting and loving people I have met & I know that I will remain life-long friends with all of them.
The Awakening The Illuminated Heart teachings have given me a deep sense of place and purpose in the universe and I now feel completely at peace and in love with life. ‘