Carolyne discovered meditation when launching Australia’s leading fashion magazine. Stressed, exhausted and unable to turn off the continuous dialogue in her head, she found meditation to be the perfect anecdote and has been committed to the practice ever since.
Carolyne completed her Primordial Sound Meditation teacher training at the Chopra Centre in the US to with Deepak Chopra. Three years later, she walked away from rolling deadlines, endless presentations, steep budgets, staff management and constant client demands to share her passion and talent with others.
She has now taught almost one thousand people how to meditate – everyone from CEO’s, entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors, politicians, parents, school children, cancer patients, severely depressed and anxious people, professional to unemployed people and everyone in-between.
Carolyne teaches meditation courses in corporate companies to embody leadership presence by cultivating focus, clarity, creativity, and compassion in the workplace.
Meditation is being taught and practiced in a growing number of organisations worldwide in the effort to improve personal and professional effectiveness and overall productivity. She has also skilled over forty CEOs with the practice of meditation.
Carolyne also is a certified teacher for Awakening the Illuminated Heart. She has traveled globally to participated enthusiastically and extensively with Drunvalo Melchelzidek, attending the Flower of Life and the Earth/ Sky/ Living in the Heart workshops.